Unwana-Oro Christian Missionary Centre
Get Involved

Get Involved

Get Involved

As all treatment and drugs are provided free to all the villagers who are unable to pay anything, financial assistance is greatly needed for the work to continue. All the staff are paid minimal allowances, also the bore hole, generator, motor bike and four wheel drive ambulance all need maintenance. 

A new off road vehicle is desperately needed for the Medical Centre, to act as an Ambulance and get supplies to the Hospital.

How can you get involved?

Individual contributions:
This would be greatly appreciated as it would go a long way to help the cause. Any amount, large or small would be greatly appreciated. It can be given as a monthly contribution or a single gift. 
If you would like to help in this way please donate (see below) or contact us for monthly contributions

Group or Church contributions:
If your organisation or church is interested in supporting this village work in either cash or kind, this would be very much appreciated. We can also be invited to come and give a presentation in your church or organisation about the activities of the Medical Centre. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested.

Any voluntary medical personnel would always be welcome, as there is always a need for helpers. 

The village name EKIM means DARKNESS; UNWANA means LIGHT. 
Please pray that the LIGHT OF GOD’S LOVE will dispel the darkness of fear, superstition and pagan beliefs in these villages. Pray that the love of God shown by the Medical Centre may bring many to receive not only healing but peace, forgiveness and blessing from God. 

Urgent Needs:
Due to the bad access roads which are very muddy and not motorable to cars, the four wheel drive (off road) vehicle regularly needs attention as it acts as an Ambulance when referring patients who need surgery and transports staff to and from the medical centre. Also it is needed to transport the Doctor and Midwife especially in the wet season. Maintaining this vehicle is in addition to the monthly requirements needed for drugs, treatment, staff allowances and maintenance. 

Bank Account Details


Account Name: New Life Derby UCMC

Account Number: 04248872

Sort Code: 40-19-15


Ulster Bank

Account Name: Margaret Ita

Account number: 27287027

Sort Code: 98-11-50

Contact us

Please send us a message

Contact Information:

Mrs Margaret Ita:
Email: michapell@yahoo.com
UK: +44 (0) 7906775623

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